About Property
Hotel Diran Guest Hotel (DGH) is connected by Karakorum Highway (KKH) which is easily accessible for the tourists using vehicles from neighboring Hunza and Gilgit. -By investing 40 minutes drive from Diran Hotel they can make their journey memorable at 900 year old Baltit Fort. -The one who is interested in only sightseeing can have a majestic glacier view of Mair Peak in Hoper valley as well as the Golden Peak from Royal House of Nagar for that 6 hours is required. -To spend whole complete day by passing through lofty peaks, meadows and lake like Attaabad upto the world’s height National Park called Kunjarab near close to China boundary can be made. -Small treks to family and Children. -Hikking upto 200 meters on making Life time achievements around the valley. And lot more Fun and Activities around the Neighborhood is found that attract tourists
Check-In/Out Time | 00:00:00 PM,00:00:00 PM |
Cancellation | Free |
Internet | Yes |
Restaurant | Yes |
Security | Guarded Complex |